Spray Foam Insulation in the Red Bay House

The benefits of spray foam insulation are plentiful, especially in a place like the Grand Cayman Islands. When it came time to insulate our Red Bay luxury home project, the choice was clear and easy.

Spray Foam Insulation Benefits

Rather than absorbing heat and raising temperatures like traditional insulation types, our spray foam insulation creates a barrier to keep out the heat from sweltering outside temperatures. Fiberglass and cellulose methods are less efficient, more difficult to install, and do not offer the same total protection that spray foam insulation offers. When sprayed, our insulation expands to fit every nook and cranny of your walls or ceiling. This ensures that no moisture can get in, preventing pests, mold, and mildew from staking a claim in your walls.

When it comes to insulating your slice of paradise, make the smart choice. Keep your heat and air conditioning inside of your home by choosing our spray foam over other outdated methods.